Social commerce is trade that is conducted through social recommendations, interactions and influences. Social media is the backbone of social commerce and this platform is used extensively to drive traffic and reach customers.
Shopping through social media is now a common thing. Platforms have incorporated features to support online shopping.. Small businesses can utilize this option to their full advantage Social commerce should be included in marketing plans if a business wants to have more traffic online.
Platforms that Support Social Commerce
This platform is promising in the social commerce space. A highly visual one that drives intent and inspiration directly. The images speak more of a product or service more efficiently than anything else.
Instagram has an option of stickers that are e-commerce enabled. Users can engage or react to the story or post. The platform also launched a feature aptly called Instagram Shopping. This is a storefront for a product or service that allows users to browse and click to purchase. Once a click is made it is then redirected to the product page in the e-commerce website. The products can also be integrated with a Facebook catalog. Integration with e-commerce websites like BigCommerce and Shopify are planned to become entirely e-commerce enabled.
The stickers allow users to express their sentiments toward the product or service. Users go through these reviews to make a decision to purchase of go to the e-commerce website for more information.
This platform has become popular with the younger generation due to ite entertainment-oriented feature and its visuals. They have partnered with Amazon to enable users to “snap” visuals they like which then brings them to the Amazon product page. Snapchat also has a product catalog function and ads that can show a brand storefront. The “snap” feature allows other users to see if the brand is popular and provide a motive to purchase.
Facebook is one social media platform that has shown a full support to social commerce. Businesses, big and small, have leverage this to their advantage. Facebook offers advertising and forms of user engagement like ratings and reviews.
Facebook so far provide the highest number of e-commerce links even when there is an option to purchase directly from Facebook. With the messaging function, users can directly chat with a product or service representative to do inquiries or make a purchase. The ratings and review option ia a great way to know more about a brand.
Google My Business
Although not really a social media platform. This application has gained some steps toward social commerce. It allows users to look at brands and engage through reviews and ratings. This platform is good for businesses with a physical location since the address and contact numbers can be found on this facility.
Strategies to use for Social Commerce
Social Proofing Strategy
A product or service recommendation from users is a sure win for the business. The value proposition of the brand is further enhanced with third-party endorsements. The business is showing prospective buyers proof that the brand is effective and used by many people.
Brand recommendation on an e-commerce website make claims and recommendations. Online forums or social media reviews makes a powerful marketing tool. All these social proofing makes way for conversions.
Inspirational Strategy
This strategy is when social media is used to showcase inspire, tell a story about the product or service. Instagram is a great platform for visual impage while Facebook allows posting of product descriptions and even stories about the brand. YouTube can provide the venue to upload product or service videos to help customers decide.
Influencer Strategy
Social media has captured the attention of many people and it is no wonder that personalities and celebrities are influencing users on purchase decisions. This strategy involve popular people to endorse a product or service. This can be an expensive strategy for a small business but may prove to be efficient in the long run.
The business can start its own influence through content that would get the interest of the audience. Bloggers who are popular may be asked to endorse the product since they are less expensive that celebrities.
Reach Strategy
One of the benefits of social media is the ability to reach audience from almost anywhere in the world. There is an option to even reach an audience in a specific location. Using the social media platforms allow an audience that are following the media, optimizes brand visibility and campaigns boost the reach of the brand. Small business should take advantage of the benefits.
Using the various media platforms available to boost social commerce is a key to a successful marketing campaign. The focus should be on third-party endorsements to reach out and influence customers. Monitoring of the progress is vital in order to do adjustments to boost the campaign.