July 30, 2022

Digital marketing tools have gained popularity in the IT space and marketers are aware of the myriad  of platform, apps that have been developed to suppor digital marketing. These tools can help and save time, However, testing and discovering which options to use can confuse and be daunting,

Tustin Marketing have gathered some of our favorite tools and share this to add to the marketing toolkit that a business should have.

Email Marketing and Automation Tools

These tools help with email marketing efforts and have proven to be effective. These apps allow  capturing of information from mailing lists or from landing pages. The app can also manage the campaign.

  • Campaign Monitor 
  • Mailchimp
  • Hubspot
  • Get Response

Influencer Marketing Tools

If the business leverages on reaching our to influencers then these tools would assist in sourcing such people. These digital marketing tools are essential. These digital marketing tools needed when building an influencer marketing strategy.

  • NinjaOutreach
  • Strawberry Socials
  • Melody Socials
  • Upfluence

Social Media Marketing Tools

Now that social media is essential for any business, the creation of a social media strategy is imperative to be successful.  The tools below can help any digital marketing efforts.

  • Falcon.io
  • Skedsocial
  • Hashtagify.me
  • Hootsuite
  • Meet Edgar
  • BuzzSumo

SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization is crucial for any website to ensure visibility. Here are the tools that can make SEO work faster and better.

  • SEMRush
  • Ahrefs
  • Screaming Frog
  • Moz

Digital Strategy Tools

A well-thought digital marketing strategy is one pillar for a business. The tools below can assist in the planning and gaining insightsinto the business niche,

  • Miro
  • Connect Mor

UX and Design Tools

Good images boost uer experience (UX) and helps hoost business image. Here are some tools that can be used.

  • Canva
  • HotJar
  • Infogram
  • Microsoft Clarity
  • Google Optimize

With some knowledge on what digital marketing tools to use, the tash can be an easier one. Businesses should be mindful that there is always a tool that can assist on tasks.