August 27, 2022

Completing SEO for an e-commerce website does not stop with initial optimization. There are tactics and practices that can improve SEO for the e-commerce site. Below are some that may be able to improve optimization when you have done all the basic steps.

Review keywords with buyer intent in mind and add them to the list

The initial list of keywords provide search engines the indexing factors but there are hundreds of thousands of keywords that are relevant especially when you want to continue ranking your content and website. Add buyer intent to the mix of keywords especially when the search query most people type in. Identify specific phrases that are commonly searched. Find out if there are products or brands that are often searched and include these to the keyword list.

Two main types of keyword intent exist:

  • Informational intent = When people have questions about the subject and want to know more details.
  • Commercial intent – This happens when a searcher knows what is being searched but do not know where to find it.  These are the ones that make conversions for a product.

Use a keyword tool like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to assist in finding those keywords and understand the intent.

Use long-tail keywords

Although long-tail keywords are low search volume they are still relevant to the e-commerce business. This makes better conversions because they can match the searcher query.

An example is “waterproof rubber shoes for hiking” or “laptop with long battery life:. See to it that the products on the e-commerce website contain long-tail keywords that matches buyer intent.

Long-tail keywords are good for:

  • Niches that have high competition
  • Increase conversion rates for products
  • New sites can be rankied easily
  • Those with limited budgets can zoom in to products right away

Ubersuggest and WordTracker are tools that can be used to get to those long-tail keywords.

Check on optimization of product pages to improve ranking

Once product pages are completed, they still need to be monitored and improved to have more conversions. The product descriptions, images and reviews should be in place and enhanced when possible.

Products are often upgraded and changes should be posted immediately.  An article on the blog about the upgrade can be made Optimize the product descriptions with the new keywords..

IF there are new images then this can be posted.  An image is worth a thousand words and people appreciate quality and clear ones that show how good the product is.   Be sure to include an Alt-Atrribute for each new image.iews

Digital marketers recognize the value of customer reviews. Many e-commerce sites have options for reviews and ratings.  Getting positive reviews can greatly affect buyer decision. Many buyers check on feedback before deciding to purchase just to get a feel of the product.

See to it that the e-commerce site is user friendly

Most e-commerce sites do not pay much attention to the user experience of UX. A good site layout and design makes a more positive experience and enhances UX.

Website owners should see to it tha the site works well and does not have lag times. A slow website discourages people and this is not good for traffic and conversions. 

The following makes good UX:

  • Fast load time
  • Mobile friendly
  • Easy to navigate
  • Neat and clutter free
  • Accessible website

Do not use complex URL structure

A simple URL structure of the site improves SEO e-commerce efforts. This enables more relevant data for search engines and makes the page or post shareable. URLS most be easy to understand as well as short as much as possible. Include keywords in URLs. 

Avoid duplication in content and other elements

Many product pages content duplicate information and the tendency tp just copy and paste is possible. This should be avoided since it affects SEO and content quality. Site users must see to it that a certain semblance of uniqueness must be maintained.

Maintain a good load speed

Load speed is vital for ranking and Google places emphasis on how fast pages load. E-commerce websites mustt maintain a fast load speed else this will not be good for UX. People want results fast and this goes for product inquiries. Subject the website to Google’s PageSpeed Insights every now and then to find out if the load speed is on an acceptable level.

Improve e-commerce content

Reinforce optimization by good product content. Upgrades and updates of products and other information must be made in descriptions. Go for blog articles that supplement the products and how they can be of help to people.

Make social sharing easy

Although social media may not support SEO, it can surely promote the products and bring in traffic. Make the products and other pages shareable through the default icons on CMS apps.

Do not forget the sitemap

Be sure to have the sitemap updated and submitted on a regularly basis when there are new products or articles. This will allow the indexing and submission to the search engine.

Just like an ordinary website, an e-commerce site needs to be maintained in order to attain the goals set. SEO for e-commerce must be a continuing process. A site audit should be made regularly to know the issues to be fixed.  Tustin Marketing can be of assistance when the business needs SEO evaluation. Call on them anytime!