January 6, 2023

Many small businesses disregard implementing a brand strategy. They believe that a great product is enough for their brand and there is no need push this further.  But when the popularity fades,Know the purpose of your product or the reason for your service business owners look for reasons amd start to realize the need for a strategy.

There are 20 million small businesses in the US and the fail rate is common so that some are now considering to brand their products. There is now a trend to make a logo and a website to support the business. But it is more than that,

Every business has the opportunity to become successful with these  steps in branding:

Know the purpose of your product or the reason for your service

Make people people aware that you are filling a gap in the marketplace. John and Patrick Collisun found a crucial step in  internet transactions that is the payment process. They knew exactly that what they offer is unique.and needed.

The business must have a good name and logo.

Both should be memorable and recognizable. The brand name must appear in all collaterals – business cards, letterheads, billboards, the website and social media.

But ir is not enough to have a brand name, a logo is very necessary. When creating a logo, think of the customer and what they would favor.

Small business owners muct give importance to customer service.

Small businesses must give importance to customer service as well. You sill be surprised  how many tarnish relationships with clients because they do not give any importance to customer service. Brand recognition remains when customers have good customer experience.

.Be consistent with your product and service promises.

Happy and satisfied customers are the best source of referrals. An example is Zappo, they built their credibility by promising fast deliveries. They even have overnight shipping for upgrades. This strategy attracted other Zappo customers to avail of the service.

Create a media plan to get your message across.

Small businesses can maje use of traditional marketing like billboards, pamphletsm TV and radio commercials,, and others. This should be mized with digital marketing to be more effective.

Use metrics to measure the progress of the strategy.

An implemented metrics will show if the strategy is working or nor. Small businesses van be guided by the metrics to do improvements or adjustnents to the branding strategy.

The above strategy is a simple oe is can be implemented by any small business. What is important is that small businesses must have this implemented in order to succeed.