September 16, 2022

A vital key to good customer service is to build positive relationships with the customers.  Showing gratitude and promoting helpful and friendly environment will surely make good impressions.  A satisfied customer will be loyal and will spend more on your products or services.

In order to show good customer service, your business must:

  • Make time to find out what are the expectations of customers
  • Provide feedback for both positive and negative reviews
  • Know what your customers consider as good customer support
  • Ensure that customer service is implemented on all aspects of the business
  • Continually look for ways to improve customer support 

The following are principles to follow to have excellent customer service:

Personnel or Staff

In order for the business to provide customer service, the staff must have good sales skills and communication. As a part of the management team, you should constantly show excellent customer service.

Customer Relationships

Build good customer relationships by:

  • Showing clients you are concerned and know what their needs are
  • Be courteous to customers whether on the phone or in store premises
  • Acknowledge that some people may not want your product or service, build good relationships with those who do
  • Be ready to assist or help clients in what they need
  • Continue to let customers know how they can benefit from your product or service

WIth the above principles to have in mind, your business will exude a positive and good customer service.  


The more you show that you know your product, the more customers will have confidence in your business. Know where they are manufactured, the ingredients and the features of the product.

As for service oriented businesses, show that you are an expert on the service.  Let clients know your track record.


Do not take for granted customer complaints and feedback. Let them know that you appreciate their testimonials and reviews whether positive or negative.

Listen to what customers have to say to improve your service or product. They are the best sources of information and their inputs would be advantageous to your business. Maintain good customer service for the success of your business.